Thursday 9 June 2011

Final Post

The part that I likes I liked the part when I made the game using Scratch. These are the steps I use to create game using Scratch:



It’s hard because I need to explain everythig that I do to make a game. Every time I do something in scratch I need to tell what does it use for and I need to tell where do we find the thing. It’s hard because I need to check each step so the game works properly. 

These is the interview with Mr. Jabiz:

Thursday 26 May 2011

This is a simple game that i make using scratch and there is a card that shows what should we do to make that game. This is my video:

Thursday 19 May 2011

The first step is to interview people or research more about Scratch.
The second step is to start playing and using Scratch.
The third step is to use sequence and record what do we learn from the interviewing and research about Scratch.

First I need someone who is expert using Scratch, then interview him/her what should i do first to make games.

Here is my flow chart:

Here is my video about the first three step:

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Best 3 making game application

I like Scratch because many people around 100.000- 150.000 people use scratch and I like Scratch because Mr. Jabiz said that Scratch is the best application that can make a game. I'm going to use Scratch to make the game because Many people say that Scratch is good. Here is a screenshot of Scratch website

I like Minecraft because minecraft is one of the three best application of making game. Minecraft can make a 3D game and it looks like the sims. Here is a screenshot of Minecraft website

I like Sploder because sploder is a website of making games and we can see other peoples games that they have made. Sploder also can edit other peoples games we can make it harder or easier. Here is a screenshot of Sploder website

Sunday 10 April 2011

Learning in different ways

There is three different way to learn: Visual learners, Audio learners and Kinesthetic learners.

We learn Visual learners by seeing, Audio learners by hearing, and Kinesthetic learners by moving, touching and doing.

I learn new things by hearing because I like to hear songs and people are saying and I usually interview people to learn new things.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Solar System

6 weeks ago I'm studying about Curiosity so I write 2 paragraph about Solar System because I'm curious about the solar system but I'm not really sure about the grammar it's looks like this:

I'm curious about Solar System when I was 6 years old until now. I'm curious about Solar System because I don't know really many about it, I was lucky because my lesson now in science is Solar System. I watching video and I ask my parents when I was small. I also go to some museum about Solar System. Now I know many things about Solar System.

When I was 6 years old I ask my parents is Earth a planet? Do we live in Earth? Is the Sun big? How big is the Sun? and many more. My parents also don't really know about Solar System, so my parents buy me a CD about Solar System. Then I learn little bit about Solar System from the CD.

Now I learn about grammar and Mr. Jabiz my ESL teacher is asking us to fix the mistakes that I make in the Curiosity. So this is my movie when I'm fixing the solar system.

Now I'm going to show you my upgraded solar system for curiosity.

I'm curious about gigantic solar system when I was 6 years old until now. I'm curious about solar system because I don't know really many about it. I was lucky because my lesson now in science is solar system. I watching video and I ask my parents when I was small. I also go to some museum about solar system. Now I know many things about solar system.

When I was 6 years old I ask my parents is Earth a planet? Do we live in Earth? Is the Sun big? How big is the Sun? and many more. My parents also don't really know about Solar System, so my parents buy me a CD about solar system. Then I learn little bit about solar system from the CD.

Wednesday 9 February 2011


This few weeks we are learning about adjective. adjective modify or describe noun.I like this activity because it's fun to learn about adjective. It help me to understand about adjective better because we need to find adjective. The steps are first we need to find a video in youtube then we need to download the video. After we download the video we need to put it at imovie. Next we need to take some part of the video put the sound out and put the adjective in the movie. If we are done with the imovie we need to share to media browser. Then we need to open garage band and we need to find the video we share to media browser in garage band. Next we need to record the adjective that we put in the movie. My favorite part is in putting the adjective in the movie because it is fun and we are learning about the adjective. The most difficult part is when we need to find the song for the movie because there is really many song and we need to find one song or more.

Thursday 20 January 2011

Parts of Speech Reflection

In this term in ESL I had study about parts of speech. Part of speech is the 8 categories of words. I am focusing about noun for a few weeks. Noun is a thing, place, and people. There are also proper noun, singular noun, compound noun, plural noun, concrete noun, and abstract noun.

I feel that Google Docs / Flickr is good because the website is making our job easier like if we are forgot to save the file is maybe blank when we open it again if we use Google docs it will save automatically, if flickr we can choose the picture like we can find the creative common or the copy right.
I like to learn grammar because it is fun, and it's kind of easy for me to study. It's fun because we have some watch movie and do the quiz in BrainPop.